Case study: Pairi Daiza

The largest photovoltaic carport in the world

Highlighting the sustainability of wood and photovoltaic production, we have created solar parks that combine ingenuity and ecology. Our recent achievement (in collaboration with Perpetum Energy) for Pairi Daiza, a photovoltaic carport, perfectly embodies this innovative vision. This project, now the largest of its kind in the world, intelligently integrates parking spaces with PEFC-certified wooden structures.

Initial installation

In its first phase, the carport includes over 62,750 solar panels for 20 MWp. These panels are mounted on wooden structures, providing shade for parked vehicles while generating renewable energy.


The second phase of the project plans an additional 96,000 square meters, further increasing the solar energy production capacity by 19 MWp.

Production and energy autonomy

Currently, this carport already generates 20,000 MWh of green electricity annually, making the park fully self-sufficient in electricity. This represents a significant step towards Pairi Daiza's goal of becoming entirely green by 2032.

Use of sustainable materials

The use of locally sourced PEFC-certified wood contributes to sustainable forest management and reduces carbon footprint. The wood used in the carport's construction comes from responsibly managed sources, ensuring minimal ecological impact.

The woods are PEFC-certified, primarily sourced from local forests. The main structural components, both vertical and horizontal, are made from rough logs that have undergone no sawing transformation (and come from local wood). The only mechanical operation undergone by the log is specific machining at the end to obtain prefabrication that facilitates assembly on site.

This avoids all the usual operations typically performed for structural beams, both during the first wood processing (sawmills: bark stripping, sawing) and during the second wood processing (planing, gluing, multiple machining). A large part of the gray energy from all these unperformed transformations is thus avoided.

From an ergonomic point of view, the complete logs integrate perfectly into the Pairi Daiza site, both for their natural side, recalling their primary functions as "trees," and for their design side, bringing the spirit of absolute nature diffused by the animal park.

Recognition and awards

This responsible approach earned our project the Grand International Prize for Sustainable Infrastructure, and it was featured at the COP28 climate conference in Dubai. This international recognition highlights the importance and impact of our project on sustainable infrastructure development.

Chez Solar Forest, nous continuons à repousser les limites de l'innovation durable, créant ainsi un avenir où l'énergie solaire et la préservation de l'environnement vont de pair. Le projet Pairi Daiza est un exemple concret de notre engagement à intégrer des solutions écologiques et durables dans nos réalisations, tout en contribuant à la lutte contre le changement climatique.

Project realized in collaboration with:

Case study : Delhaize Flemalle
The Lion’s Footprint inaction